Social Snowball launched Safelinks to Revolutionize E-commerce Affiliate Marketing

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On June 12, 2023, Social Snowball, a leading platform in affiliate marketing, has launched Safelinks, a groundbreaking solution designed to combat coupon code leakage and misattribution in e-commerce. This innovative technology addresses a persistent challenge faced by merchants and affiliates, particularly within the Shopify ecosystem. By implementing Safelinks, e-commerce businesses can effectively protect their exclusive discount codes and ensure accurate attribution for affiliate commissions. 

Coupon code leakage has long been a thorn in the side of affiliate marketing. With Safelinks, Social Snowball aims to provide a secure and reliable method for managing affiliate links, preventing unauthorized distribution of discount codes on coupon websites. This not only improves accuracy in commission calculations for merchants but also instills confidence in affiliates that their promotional efforts will be properly rewarded.

By addressing the issue of coupon code leakage, this innovative solution offers a more secure and efficient environment for e-commerce businesses to thrive. With Safelinks, merchants can protect their exclusive offers, affiliates can track their performance accurately, and the integrity of affiliate marketing programs can be preserved. When a customer clicks on an affiliate’s Safelink, a popup promptly appears, acknowledging the referral made by the affiliate. Within the popup, the customer can generate a one-time-use coupon code, ensuring that each purchase is properly attributed to the affiliate responsible.

The key advantage of Safelinks is the generation of unique single-use coupon codes for every customer who clicks on the Safelink. This eliminates the issue of coupon code leakage, as each code is limited to a single customer. With this level of security and exclusivity, merchants can maintain the integrity of their discount campaigns, while affiliates can confidently promote their referral links, knowing that their efforts will be accurately recognized.

Safelinks presents a significant advancement in the realm of affiliate marketing, particularly within the Shopify ecosystem. By providing a seamless and secure process for generating unique coupon codes, it ensures fair and accurate sales attribution, benefiting both merchants and affiliates alike.

In a statement, Joseph Turney, the Chief Gaming Officer at GAIMIN, said:

About Social Snowball:

Social Snowball is an eCommerce affiliate marketing platform that streamlines the process of acquiring affiliates for merchants. With Social Snowball, affiliate accounts are automatically created for customers, who are then provided with personalized discount codes directly from the thank you page. Furthermore, Social Snowball simplifies affiliate management, making commission payouts effortless and enabling merchants to start generating affiliate revenue quickly with a setup time of under 60 seconds.


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